Where to Find Star Jigs Near You
Order Star Jigs directly from our website, or you can also find them at the following retailers near you:
You can find our STAR JIGS at these locations:
Hobby Hut L.L.C.
28880 Mo. Hwy 19
Perry, MO 63462
(Mark Twain Lake)
Farm and Home Supply-
Quincy, Illinois,
Alton, Illinois
Ft.Madison, Iowa
Hannibal, Missouri
Keokuk, Iowa
soon all of the other stores.
Facebook- Star Jigs
IG- starjigs
Tic Toc - @starjigs
Ask your local tackle store or farm store to carry Star Jigs!!
If you are interested in carrying Star Jigs at your retail location, please contact us at 573-248-7165 or complete the short application below! Also,you want our products in your local tackle store, please ask them to carry us!!